Monday, October 12, 2009

What a Life!

Alright, so I haven't been here for awhile, but I have very good reasons. The reasons are good, not necessarily good to me and my family. There will be no pictures! Work had gotten a little rough for Rob since July. The CEO of his company had passed away in January and the new management is awful at best. Rob was being harrassed by the woman in charge and no matter what he did, he couldn't seem to make her realize how important he was to the company. She fired him at the end of August under a restructuring explanation. She had told his supervisor a few weeks prior that she hated Rob because he was too good at his job and a threat to her own job. The supervisor was fired 5 minutes before Rob. Anyway, long story short, I am back at work full time (thank you, Dr. Carter!) and Rob is playing Mr. Mom while looking for a new job. He is a great mom, but the job search is not going so well. We are getting used to the idea that we may have to leave the state to find a job that Rob loves as much as he did the one he had for 21 years. There is nothing in the area we are in and moving within the state of California seems pointless with the way things are in California in this economy. We keep looking and praying. Something good will happen soon?!
Since the first week of July, I have not felt well at all. I had been told three years ago that I had diverticulitis and we thought that I was having problems because of that. After many doctor's appointments and rounds of antibiotics, I switched doctors and last week I had a hysterectomy. I had ovarian cysts as well as adenomyosis(a type of endometriosis) and 5 days later I feel better than I have in a very long time! For the last month there were times I could not stand without pain killers for more than 5 minutes at a time. The last time I went grocery shopping, I had to quit half way through and let Rob finish while I sat in the van with the kids. I am so excited to be feeling well and soon should be back at work, doing what I can to help out with the bills that continue to come in even when I ask them not to! The doctor said I should be off work for 6 weeks, but I have talked him down to two, though he is not budging on the no driving rule!
If there is anything good to come out of all of this, it is simply that Rob is home and able to do the running around after the kids that I can not. It is nice to keep things as normal as possible for them! Rob jokes that it took him 5 weeks of training to learn the routine! You're the best, Rob!


Kristen said...

Hang in there! We're praying for you and keeping our fingers crossed that you can find something in Tennessee! We love you!

shannan said...

Wow! I am so sorry to hear that you have had struggles, but I am so glad that you are feeling better. I will be praying for you guys to find the perfect job for your family.